Software & Management Associates (SMA)
A different kind of IT automation product...
Automation is key to success in IT and Data Center Operations - but selecting and implementing an automation tool isn't easy.
First of all you need to find a tool that you can actually use - if it's too complex and has too steep a learning curve it will either never be successfully implemented, or it will have a useful lifespan in your enterprise roughly equal to the lifespan of the person or team that implements it. Given how often people move on to other opportunities, implementing a tool that is difficult to use can be a risky (and expensive) proposition.
Having said that, the tool also needs to be able to do what you need it to do, now and in the future. It needs to be scalable (we're all growing aren't we?) and it needs to be flexible enough to meet your functional requirements.
It also needs to have the support and backing of a company that can help you succeed in identifying, evaluating and achieving your automation goals.
Our customers will tell you that OpCon/xps is the IT Automation tool you are looking for.
...from a different kind of software companyJust ask our customers and they will confirm that SMA is indeed a very different kind of software company - different in good ways. We're big enough to provide outstanding support to all our customers around the globe, but we're small enough to make each one of them feel like they have a personal relationship with us. We're privately held, so the only people we are responsible to are our customers - we're focused on enabling our customers to be more successful, not on making our shareholders more wealthy. We've been providing industry-leading automation solutions to our customers for 30 years - but we continue to seek out the best young talent to join our team, so our products and services stay current.
Our customers will tell you that SMA is the IT Automation software company you are looking for. We are here to listen.Contact any one of our offices - you'll find that we are good listeners that can help you solve your most complex IT and Data Center challenges.... and maybe sleep a little better at night!
About SMASoftware & Management Associates (SMA) was established in 1980 by a team of forward-thinking Unisys automation experts. A privately-held company with corporate headquarters in Greater Houston, Texas and offices and partners worldwide, SMA first captured the attention of IT managers around the world with the release of THE SCHEDULER™ 29 years ago. The product instantly became the definitive job scheduling and workload management standard for the Unisys platform. As the IT industry evolved, SMA continued to lead the way by introducing SMA OpCon/xps™, the first Windows-based, enterprisewide, multi-platform automation solution. Today, SMA supports business leaders worldwide.
MissionSMA is committed to providing customers with innovative enterprise automation solutions to strengthen and further maximize their competitive advantage.
VisionOur goal is to offer the most comprehensive and effective IT automation software and associated services to organizations for which multi-platform application scheduling is a critical business requirement.
StrategySMA continues to set the standard for independent software vendors by extending our workload management suite of products across platforms, applications, and operating systems. SMA supports open systems and the growing client/server market, while helping organizations reduce costs and increase their return on investment.
Experience & ExpertiseSMA has been in the business of delivering quality enterprise automation solutions and services since 1980. Because we specialize exclusively in job scheduling operations, we know this market, this technology better than other providers. That level of focus makes us the best at what we do. Since SMA is a privately held company, we are accountable to customers, not stockholders. Therefore, your success is our success. To that end, SMA collaborates with technical experts and business professionals to constantly develop cost-effective and innovative implementation strategies.
Product ReliabilitySMA's customer list offers an indication of the large, complex organizations we serve, from airlines and financial institutions to government agencies and multi-national corporations. They trust their critical IT operations to SMA because our unparalleled process automation software and support services ensure robust, reliable performance for today's high volume, on-demand, information processing environment.
Customer PartnershipsSMA considers customers partners and shares the financial burden of implementing automated procedures by providing installation, customized training, professional consultation and 24/7 support. We work together with customers to continuously optimize IT through product enhancements and functionality improvements driven by customer needs and goals. With SMA, you benefit from perpetual innovation, enhanced productivity and positive business impact.
SupportSMA provides the most responsive vendor support available. We understand the importance of timeliness and thorough execution when it comes to addressing the critical IT needs of customers. When the unforeseen occurs, SMA's knowledgeable and experienced support staff is available 24/7 to assist customers in identifying and resolving issues related to our product. However, SMA OpCon/xps works so effectively that we may receive only one actual after-hours support call per month with nearly 70 percent of customer calls being server or environment-related.
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SMA OpCon/xps
0 reviewsSMA OpCon/xps is the world’s most advanced cross-platform process automation and job-scheduling solution for today’s complex data centers. Dynamic event-driven processing improves IT efficiency throughout the entire enterprise. SMA OpCon/xps is one power ... Read More...
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