We are having performance problems running ND6( 6.5) on 820 (v5.2) Having looked at the RED BOOK - Domino6 for iSeries best practices guide - I came upon the chapter relating to resolving performance issues. Having downloaded the Support Libary tools and followed the instructions on how to identify the problems I have hit a bottle neck. The following are the commands that I am running START TRACE STRCMNTRC CFGOBJ(ETHLINE12) CFGTYPE(*LIN) MAXSTG(16M) USRDTA(*MAX) END TRACE ENDCMNTRC CFGOBJ(ETHLINE12) CFGTYPE(*LIN) PRINT TRACE REPORT PRTCMNTRC CFGOBJ(ETHLINE12) CFGTYPE(*LIN) OUTFILE(EAOPS/TRACE12) CODE(*ASCII) FMTTCP(*YES) SLTPORT(1352) FMTBCD(*NO) OUTPUT TRACE REPORT TO FILE PRTCMNTRC CFGOBJ(ETHLINE12) CFGTYPE(*LIN) OUTPUT(*OUTFILE) OUTFILE(EAOPS/T RACE12) CODE(*CALC) FMTTCP(*YES) SLTPORT(1352) FMTBCD(*NO) And finally using the ibm utility exttcptrc produce a simple to analysise report - THIS PRODUCES NO REPORT Any body got any ideas ? Cheers George