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CPI on 4230 printer

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  • Guest.Visitor

    CPI on 4230 printer

    George, I think it depends on what printer your 4230 is emulating. Does the printer the 4230 is emulating support 16.7? If so, the problem may be the customization object, or the device description. If not, then see if the 4230 can emulate a printer that supports 16.7 cpi. That should work. Hope this helps. Doug.
  • anders.grimsberg@axis.com

    CPI on 4230 printer

    This can be solved with the Axis printserver, in the Axis printserver You can set a 'String before print job' with codes to set the printer to use the 16.7 cpi font.


    • Guest.Visitor

      CPI on 4230 printer

      Anders thanks for that, do you happen to know what the codes would be for 16.7cpi George


      • anders.grimsberg@axis.com

        CPI on 4230 printer

        It could be I am not sure, it depends on the printer setup. Best would be to find out in a technical document for the printer. You can try this code 1B 57 30 12 0F Anders


        • Guest.Visitor

          CPI on 4230 printer

          We have a networked 4230 printer connected to the network using an Axis print box. I have tried to change the CPI on the printer but the only options I have are 10 12 15 cpi but I require 16.7 , the manual indicates that this is possible but I see how when not given the option I have also tried to find the override host setting on the printer but I cant. Any gurus with any ideas ? Cheers George


          • Guest.Visitor

            CPI on 4230 printer

            We have recently set up our 6400 printers to print barcodes, buy adding an IPDS module to the printer and changing their device description to have DEVICE TYPE *IPDS AFP *YES I have noticed that there are now 2 job generated for the printer in QSPL , one job *WTR the other *PDJ. The problem I am having is that I cant move a report from one of these printer because the report has a state of *PND. This has only happened after changing AFP to *YES ,if I revert back to *NO, I can move reports from one printer to another. Can any one help Cheers George

