Commercial Software Piracy
Joe, I took the point of Chuck's comments to be about a current lack of trust in leadership and government. Personally, I don't worry about the WMD issue. Like many of my fellow Americans, I support the actions in Iraq just on the issue that I don't want a man capable of gassing his own people to be in charge of the fifth largest army in the world AND in control of large amounts of the world's oil reserves. WMD or no WMD, It is this attitude thats sets up the US against the rest of the world. IRAQ was a country with the entitlements of Soverignty. Hussein had to go, and the only reason the UN didn't agree is because he was paying them not to. I dont believe any of the countries listed are on the UN Security Council. My God, all the free trade advocates should be thrilled that China is selling software at the price it costs to manufacture the disk. What does illegally selling software have to do with Free Trade ?
Joe, I took the point of Chuck's comments to be about a current lack of trust in leadership and government. Personally, I don't worry about the WMD issue. Like many of my fellow Americans, I support the actions in Iraq just on the issue that I don't want a man capable of gassing his own people to be in charge of the fifth largest army in the world AND in control of large amounts of the world's oil reserves. WMD or no WMD, It is this attitude thats sets up the US against the rest of the world. IRAQ was a country with the entitlements of Soverignty. Hussein had to go, and the only reason the UN didn't agree is because he was paying them not to. I dont believe any of the countries listed are on the UN Security Council. My God, all the free trade advocates should be thrilled that China is selling software at the price it costs to manufacture the disk. What does illegally selling software have to do with Free Trade ?