Tom, Just for kicks, try 10u 0 instead. Bill > I get a "Receiver value too small to hold result" error. TotCharRead is 10i 0 so I kinda doubt that it's too samll.
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socket read problem
socket read problem
Bill: "read" returns a 4-byte integer value, not an unsigned value. One possible value returned is -1, which indicates an error. Tom: Show us more of the code, especially the prototype definition for "read", as well as the definitions of the other variables involved.
socket read problem
I copied an existing program of mine that I know works and now I have a really puzzling problem. I get a "Receiver value too small to hold result" error. TotCharRead is 10i 0 so I kinda doubt that it's too samll.EVAL TotCharRead = Read( SD : %ADDR(BufferIn) : BufferInLen )
Anyone have any idea what sort of things can cause this error message? TIA, Tom