FMTDTA does not have a way to put substitution expressions in the sort specs. The thing to do, if possible, is to replace those flat file with externally described files so you can write native aps with OPNQRYF, Query, SQL, etc. You may have to redesign some things -- such as job streams that create a new file, delete the old file, then rename the new file to the same name as the old file -- but it is worth it.
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Questions about FMTDTA
Questions about FMTDTA
Does anyone these days still use FMTDTA? I realize that most shops probably don't have any more "flat" files sitting around, and that most are DDS described, and everyone is either using OPNQRYF, or embedded SQL, but in the shop I work in we still have "flat" files, and some old S36 OCLs. I was wondering, is it possible to pass a parameter into a FMTDTA source spec? I have some old OCLs that access the LDA in the inclusion specs of a S36 SORT ($GSORT). This in essences would be how I would pass a parameter to my S36 sort in the old days of the S36. It looks something like this: I C 12 12EQC?L'1,1'? Sincerely, Michael Soucy