Just noticed that the RPGIV tutorial at: http://www.midwareservices.com/RPGIV/h_specs.htm has a typo in the recommended minimum H spec. Where it suggests using: H datedit(*YMD) datfmt(*ISO) option(*SRCSTMT *NODEBUGIO) There needs to be a colon separating the options! Also if you put this line in a dtaara (RPGLEHSPEC or DFTLEHSPEC (in QRPGLE)) the leading 'H' is not needed.
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Well, that's just syntax. These days, though, use of the default H-Spec data areas is not encouraged since any time you code an H-Spec in your program, the default data areas are ignored. The preferred coding style these days is to include the defaults in a /COPY member and explicitly include it in all your programs. Then, you can add your own H-Spec options in addition to the defaults. Another advantage is that the /COPY member can include some options conditioned by /IF directives. So, for example, you could have option DFTACTGRP(*NO) conditioned by "/IF DEFINED(*CRTBNDRPG)". This way, you can use the same /COPY member for both programs and modules.