Re:Stop User From Clicking on "X" to Close Window ?
Nope, you can't stop them from closing the session. But you can register a cancel handler in RPG and have RPG detect the closed session and end gracefully. Google "RPG Register Cancel Handler". Chris
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Stop User From Clicking on "X" to Close Window ?
Re:Stop User From Clicking on "X" to Close Window ?
Having users click the "X" is the bane of an emulators existance. You cannot prevent this from occurring. There are some things you can do: [ul] [li]Have a formal training session with several users[/li] [li]Use commitment control in online programs to prevent unsynchronized updates[/li] [li]Replace their PC with a twinax terminal[/li][/ul] Dave
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Stop User From Clicking on "X" to Close Window ?
I have users who click on the Windows "X" to close a Client Access session without logging off. Is there a way to stop a user from doing this, or make them logoff first ? Can I hide the "X" or disable it ? Thanks....Tags: None
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