You need to set System Value QUSTCOFFSET to adjust the time. For example I'm in Mountain time and it is set at -07:00. Be sure you stop and restart your Monitor QSYS/QYPSSTRS.
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Monitor Time Difference
Monitor Time Difference
What is the current value of your QUTCOFFSET? You changed it by 1 hour, but from what starting value, and in what direction? It sounds like it should be at -6 if you have a 6-hour difference. Also, Operations Navigator requires certain Java properties to be set to use the proper timezone. What is your system value QLOCALE, and what is the contents of what it points to?
Monitor Time Difference
Shaun, If you go to this will give you exactly what your QUTCOFFSET should be set at. Before you change it ENDTCPSVR *MGTC change your system value STRTCPSVR *MGTC Restart you Monitor you should see the change. Doreen
Monitor Time Difference
Your problem may be from the default time for Java, which is GMT. KnowledgeBase document 23591706 (Setting the Time Zone for Java) mentions two methods; the easiest is probably the first: To set the time zone system wide, create /QIBM/UserData/Java400/ and add the user.timezone property. To set the time zone for a specific user, create /home// and add the user.timezone property. Example: user.timezone=CST The second method involves setting up the Locale, which is complex and the manuals aren't very clear about it. I had to set up a Locale to use Service Agent over Extreme Support on V4R5; I just looked at the manual, which was updated 10/11/2001, and it looks like I don't need the Locale any more under V5R1.
Monitor Time Difference
Greetings! I'm using the Monitor feature in Operations Navigator to graph CPU utilization, it is working great except for one thing. The is a six hour time difference between the actual start time and the the first collection time. For example; I started the monitor this morning at 9:00am, sixty seconds later it plotted its first point but the time on the graph is 3:01am. When I look at the "Management Central: Monitors" display is show the last changed date on that monitor as 3:00am when it was last changed at 9:00am. Has anyone come across this before? Anyone have any ideas? P.S. Why would IBM give you a neat little graph tool like this but not allow you to print it?!?!?! Shaun Lister.