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The cloud hosting: advantages

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    Junior Member
    • Apr 2007
    • 185

    The cloud hosting: advantages

    The cloud hosting services are a real potential alternative when the enterprise wants to focus completely on their core competencies and not to dissipate their energy and efforts on managing the trivial IT matters. The benefits of cloud hosting for an enterprise may be listed as:

    Scalable IT infrastructure: the major benefit of cloud computing lies in the flexibility to scale up or down the IT infrastructure depending on the enterprise needs. This means that the enterprise do not have to provision for future needs as the IT infrastructure they need may be set up in minimal time. This also means that the time to start a business process is not contingent on IT infrastructure establishment time.

    Cost: Cloud computing inherit virtualization technology framework which essentially involves sharing of resources, both storage and server space. This invariably brings down the rented IT infrastructure costs and the pay as you go model further save the one time upfront investment in local Network and the management of the infrastructure.

    Bridging technology gap: small and medium business is at a disadvantage if we consider the intense market competition driven by new technology offerings. To meet this challenge they have to divert their resources and ultimately the business focus gets misbalanced. Cloud hosting services offer them the alternative as they can own the infrastructure by just renting them without the need of actually busying them. The process saves on the invaluable capital assets by converting them to ‘service costs’ payable on monthly and ‘pay as you go basis’.

    Simplified IT management: With third party service providers IT resource management becomes easy, more efficient and more productive. Since the optimal use of the IT resources are contingent on the technical support as well as effective monitoring, the cloud hosting service providers are always the best alternative as they manage the applications, security as well as troubleshooting of network errors. Cloud hosting further leads to efficient network management due to shared computing resources and load balancing factors leading to virtually no server down time.
    Last edited by D.Uptmor; 05-06-2014, 10:59 AM.

  • #2
    I have to openly disagree with your points of contention and see your commentary as beneficial to mostly only you. Companies that are THAT serious about outsourcing their entire IT management should consider it anything but TRIVIAL.

    I don't know of a single mid-level to upper management person who would dare sit down at the mahogony conference table with executive/ownership people and feel even remotely comfortable only being able to repeat answers to management questions by what some third party provider told them is "WHY" the network is down or "WHY" they missed a critical M/E process. Or "WHY" they couldn't get a "good" answer due to the greenbeans on the support calls during the holidays.

    I do agree with the fact that "cloud" computing is the "best" alternative as you stated. Best as opposed to having dedicated, experienced and internal IT staff, who KNOW the business, know what has to be fixed...and most of the time would be telling 3rd party providers "HOW" to fix the problem. A company with that kind of internal staff vs. 3rd party providers translates to what's called "competitive advantage". And to your credit, I am aware of several companies who flushed that down the "competitive" toilet.

    Good Luck with that one though...anyway.

