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IFS Problem-Moving data from an AS/400 Folder to IFS NT share drive

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  • John Polucci

    IFS Problem-Moving data from an AS/400 Folder to IFS NT share drive

    The code form my first message got scrambled. Please refer to this code to comment on this topic.
  • John Polucci

    IFS Problem-Moving data from an AS/400 Folder to IFS NT share drive

    For a time we had a document, we moved an AS/400 document from an AS/400 folder to the IFS share drive with out any problems-quick and easy. The code(I have subsituted the values of the CL variables into thier place): CPYTOPCD FROMFILE(EXTOUTP) TOFLR('EDICLMS/TEST/OUT') + TODOC(EXTOUTP.837) REPLACE(*YES) /* */ DEL OBJLNK('USREDITESTOUTEXTOUTP.837') MONMSG MSGID(CPFA0A9) MOV OBJ('QDLSEDICLMSTESTOUTEXTOUTP.837') + TODIR('USREDITESTOUT') ENDPGM This code works quite well. The document EXTOUTP.837 is placed on the IFS NT share drive directory(EDICLMSTESTOUT). Simple and straightforward. Now we want to use longer more meaningful TODOC vairaibles names(i.e more meaninful than EXTOUTP.837), but I run into this restriction in the TODOC paramter of the IBM CPYTOPCD command: "The filename can be from 1 to 8 characters, and the extension can be from 1 to 3 characters.[From the IBM help ext on the commmand]. I have used the RNM command and the CPYTOSTMF command to no avail. I can not be the only one to ever have had this issue. What is the simple straight forward way to get around this issue? How can you use longer document names than what is permitted in the CPYTOPCD command and then move that document to the NT share drive. A simple example of code would be hlepful(especially when you are dealng with some commands need a / the directory path to make them work; and, some commands need a in the directory path to amke them work.


    • Guest.Visitor

      IFS Problem-Moving data from an AS/400 Folder to IFS NT share drive

      Look into using CPYTOSTMF instead of CPYTOPCD. The old QDLS is obsolete and has not been updated lately. It is still there for backward compat.

