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php<->CL/QSH very slow

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  • jogisarge
    Junior Member
    • Jul 2009
    • 0

    php<->CL/QSH very slow


    i try to call a php-script on our 520.
    CHGVAR     VAR(&CMM) +                                   
                 VALUE('/usr/local/Zend/Core/bin/php +       
    QSH        CMD(&CMD)
    i try to send an email in the php script and i was wondering why it takes about 5-8 seconds to send the mail.
    So i tried to find out where the script is slow.
    For testing i have made en empty php-script.
    if i test this the script runs 3-4 seconds.

    -> the time must be lost in the communication between CL/QSH and PHP.

    Is there another faster way to call the php scripts ?
    Are there params that can speed up the communication ?

    Thanks so far
  • mpavlak
    Junior Member
    • Apr 2012
    • 22

    I don't want to turn this into a sales pitch but there is a very poerwful feature in the new Zend Server 5 for IBM i product called Job Queue that will allow you to schedule and or submit batch jobs written in PHP. You can also pass parameters in the scheduled jobs via GET methods and use POST & GET methods in the spawned jobs. While the Get method only supports simple parms, the POST method would support passing more complex parms like arrays, etc. Definitely worth taking a look. Product should GA very soon but the beta is available here: http://www.zend.com/products/server/downloads



