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Can't see folders when mapping a network drive

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  • Guest.Visitor

    Can't see folders when mapping a network drive

    I have a user that has used explorer(Windows NT) many times to access our AS/400's. I can still use my Explorer to access both AS/400s but for some reason he can not see the folders anymore, but there is no error message. The same thing happens with network neighborhood, no folders, he can see the printers. I have checked his authority everything appears to be exactly the same as before this problem started. Any ideas?
  • Guest.Visitor

    Can't see folders when mapping a network drive

    did he upgrade to CA/express?...if so, then be sure there is a share defined for qdls....


    • Guest.Visitor

      Can't see folders when mapping a network drive

      No, upgrade...


      • Guest.Visitor

        Can't see folders when mapping a network drive

        Doreen, Any chance that the user's password on the 400 has changed but his PC has not been rebooted since? Could be the cause...I usually do not shut my PC down, but I have to reboot everytime I change my password for just this reason. Just a thought, Joel


        • Guest.Visitor

          Can't see folders when mapping a network drive

          I already had him reboot, been there, done that. I'm going to try and reinstall Client Acess and see what happens.


          • Guest.Visitor

            Can't see folders when mapping a network drive

            Doreen, can you tell me what version of your host is and what version of CA you are running. I work on the AS/400 NetServer. Thanks.


            • Guest.Visitor

              Can't see folders when mapping a network drive

              In my experience, when that happens there is a file that loads on the PC that is, for some reason, not there anymore. Do a Ctl Alt Del on the PC, and check to see if there is a file called CWBBS there. It has to do with drive mappings for the AS400. If it's not there, then you'll need to uninstall then reinstall Client Access.


              • Diane Mueller
                Junior Member
                • Aug 2002
                • 139

                Can't see folders when mapping a network drive

                Have you ever run across this problem. Our secretaries have several mapped drives to different QDLS folders. In these folders are paragraphs they pull together to create letters in MSWORD. They may be working along fine--pulling a paragragh from Pdrive--folder PARA and then a paragraph from Sdrive--folder SEC----when all of a sudden all their mapped drives show the contents of the same folder. Example-- the Pdrive starts showing SEC folder Documents and so do all other mapped drives. The only fix is to disconnect and reconnect the drives. Can you tell me what is happening. The PC OS is Windows 2000. The AS/400 release is V4R5. Thanks JoAnn

