Welcome to my first blog posting. As I write this from a Starbucks ... not in my native Seattle ... but in London, I can confirm that the security issues faced in the States are the same as those faced in other countries. Growing government and industry regulation over the use and protection of data is a common theme wherever I go. The need for good security practices is permeating all industries in all countries around the world. And so this discussion begins. I hope to offer advice, provide tips and point you to undiscovered features of i5/OS security. But be prepared - I intend to tell it like it is and you might not always like what I have to say!

So as this blog opens, my question to you is this - How can I help? What topics would you like to see discussed on this blog? What issues are you facing? What questions about i5/OS security would you like answered?

That's it for now - Cheers!