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Printing different font sizes on a same page

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  • Guest.Visitor
    Guest replied
    Printing different font sizes on a same page

    You are on the right track. But you will be limited to the fonts available on the Epson printer. Your Epson manual should have a list of fonts available and the escape sequences to use them. Use the technique in the link Bill posted and it should work fine. It ain't pretty but it works.

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  • Guest.Visitor
    Guest replied
    Printing different font sizes on a same page

    we need to generate an invoice where there are different fields that should be in different font sizes when printed.how can we achieve this with out using *IDS/AFPDS printers.we are using EPSON dotmatrix printers...your kind help is highly apreciated

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  • Yossi
    Printing different font sizes on a same page

    Using *AFPDS or *LINE device type with your printer file it is mandatory to have PSF/400 installed in your system. It is option 36 (or 37 or 38) of the operation system (SS1). There are several ways to use different fonts in the same page, one of them is when using an external printer file, the other is using the PPFA licensed program or a much modern licensed program - the InfoPrint Designer. Each of the above has pro's & contra's. Using DDS is a very powerful way because you can do quite everything to transform your printing to a full graphical printing. The problem is that sometimes you have to make changes in your program because not all the functions work together. Using PPFA or the GUI tool InfoPrint Designer, enable you to transform a printing without changes to the original PRTF, external or internal and the program. You can use conditions (IFs) when the print is not simple, but complex and variant reports can be difficult or impossible to cover. In addition you can use InfoPrint Server to transform reports to PDF files, send by E-mail and other nice functions. Joseph

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  • Guest.Visitor
    Guest replied
    Printing different font sizes on a same page

    as400friend wrote: > Thanks a lot for the information.Iam working on these things...at the > same time if you can elaborate the idea of using printer pass-thru > commands ...it would be of great help... Here's an example: http://www.mcpressonline.com/mc?13@2....1@.1efd95b4/9 An important part of the process is also to specify RplUnPrt(*No) for the printer file, otherwise it will replace anything below x'40' with x'40'. Bill

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  • Guest.Visitor
    Guest replied
    Printing different font sizes on a same page

    Dear Bill! Thanks a lot for the information.Iam working on these things...at the same time if you can elaborate the idea of using printer pass-thru commands ...it would be of great help...

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  • Guest.Visitor
    Guest replied
    Printing different font sizes on a same page

    Dear David, Thank you very much.Iam using an external printer file and am using CVTDTA and TRNSPY.Kindly let me know if you feel any other key words are to be used apart. also ,i read an article about PCL.But that is with regards to HP Laser Jet printer.I need to know how far will PCL help me with regards to EPSON Dot matrix printer what I have.Please do help me and suggest me with some hints..Thank you once again

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  • Guest.Visitor
    Guest replied
    Printing different font sizes on a same page

    as400friend wrote: > we need to generate an invoice where there are different fields that > should be in different font sizes when printed.how can we achieve > this with out using *IDS/AFPDS printers.we are using EPSON dotmatrix > printers...your kind help is highly apreciated You will want to investigate using the Printer Pass-thru command. This basically says to the system "don't translate the following string for the specified number of bytes". This allows you to send the necessary escape sequences to the printer. Bill

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  • Printing different font sizes on a same page

    Dot matrix printers may support a wide variety of fonts depending on how they are configured. Different size fonts must be specified in an external printer file. If you are using an internally described printer file (usually QSYSPRT) you must change your programming. The external printer file is created using DDS source code. The DDS Print File DDS manual has a list of all of the keywords necessary to change fonts. The appendix of the CL manual contains a list of valid fonts and font translations. Dave