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Multiple users using subfiles

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  • David Abramowitz
    Multiple users using subfiles

    Record locking is used for a very good reason, but if you wish to defeat record locking you could use the (n) extender on the READ, READE, or CHAIN opcode. Dave

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  • vecam
    Guest started a topic Multiple users using subfiles

    Multiple users using subfiles

    Using RPG IV, I wrote a barcode scanning program that updates a file and displays a record in a subfile. Problem: When two users are accessing the program at the same time, record locks occur. Tried using unlock after update of file, but subfile displays same record on screen for both users instead of the two different records that were processed. The file however, is updated correctly with each user's scan. I need the subfile to reflect each user's scans, and not display same record. Thanks for any help!