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  • Guest.Visitor
    Guest replied

    Sherri Porter wrote: > We have SQL tables being updated by users. We need to get a table > from the sequel server to the AS/400 every day. Can someone enlighten > me on how to do this? How would I pull a SQL table into DB2? Sherri, You could do it by pushing the data. Use an ODBC driver to allow SQL Server to see the table on the 400. Then use whatever method(s) would be necessary to push the data. Bill

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  • Guest.Visitor
    Guest replied

    We have SQL tables being updated by users. We need to get a table from the sequel server to the AS/400 every day. Can someone enlighten me on how to do this? How would I pull a SQL table into DB2? Thanks a bunch.........

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  • Guest.Visitor
    Guest replied

    Hi all, Here's the deal. If I import a file into MS Access, errors are recorded in a separate file. I'm looking for a way to do this with CPYFRMIMPF. There is a(n) ERRRCDFILE parameter in the command, but I can't seem to use it properly. I get a "Field Definition or Error file not allowed" message. Am I way off base here? It would certainly help me narrow down the problem when 13 records out of a 350.000 record file don't import. I'm importing from a tab delimited file. Thanks for all your help. Jo

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  • M.Savino

    Well put, Jo.... You truly have a way with words. The short answer is that Documentation is written by Technical Writers. Mostly people with thick accents who can barely read or speak English. Ninety eight percent of whom immigrated to this country from New Jersey -- Exit 7 to be exact (home of my ancestors). See yous guys down da shore. 'Nuff said ? Glad it worked for you.

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  • Guest.Visitor
    Guest replied

    Mike- Why didn't the (&*^%$#@) stupid documentation say that? I tried it with my small test file, and got no error. Thanks so much for your help! - Jo

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  • M.Savino

    Jo, Try this, it worked for me. CRTDUPOBJ of the Import File (No Data), giving it the name of your Error record file and then try it. My Original File was created by an FTP Get. Don't know if this matters but the CCSID is CCSID 500 (EBCDIC International). Mike

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  • Guest.Visitor
    Guest replied

    Okay, here's what I did: CRTPF FILE(JOLIB/ERRRCDFILE) RCDLEN(2500) File ERRRCDFILE created in library JOLIB. Member ERRRCDFILE added to file ERRRCDFILE in JOLIB. CPYFRMIMPF FROMFILE(JOLIB/VERIFY) TOFILE(JOLIB/PATDTL) MBROPT(*REPLACE) FLDDLM(*TAB) ERRRCDFILE(JOLIB/ERRRCDFILE *FIRST) RPLNULLVAL(*FLDDFT) Field Definition or Error file ERRRCDFILE in JOLIB not allowed. Copy command ended because of error. The record length of VERIFY is 90. The target file PATDTL record length is 109. I should think a record length of 2500 for the ERRRCDFILE is plenty. Thanks - Jo

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  • Guest.Visitor
    Guest started a topic CPYFRMIMPF


    Jo, The ERRRCDFILE parameter "help text" states that the file member must be at least as large as the file you are importing into. In other words, Create a file that is at least the same length as the "target file member". If you wnat, post your command so we all can see what you are trying to do. hth