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5250 to the Web--A Primer for the Perplexed

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  • J.Pluta
    5250 to the Web--A Primer for the Perplexed

    ** This thread discusses the article: 5250 to the Web--A Primer for the Perplexed **
    Chris, sorry I didn't see this message earlier. Just for the record, WDSC is indeed a plug-in to Eclipse. It's actually several different sets of plug-ins. The first couple of sets turn Eclipse into WSSD, or WebSphere Studio Site Developer. Add one more for EJB support and you get WSAD, or WebSphere Studio Application Developer. If you add the iSeries extensions plug-ins to WSSD, you get WDSCi. If you add them to WSAD, you get WDSCiAE (Advanced Edition). So, WDSCi is really a whole bunch of plug-ins, some iSeries specific and some not, added to Eclipse. Hope this helps! And thanks for buying the book! Joe

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  • Guest.Visitor
    Guest replied
    5250 to the Web--A Primer for the Perplexed

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    Hi Joe, I bought your "Eclipse: Step by Step" book and read it in a day. Is WDSc a "plug in" to Eclipse? What's the difference in terms of IDE? Is WDSc just a label that IBM puts on it's copyo Eclipse, like Ford and Mercury do for autos? Thanks. Chris

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  • J.Pluta
    5250 to the Web--A Primer for the Perplexed

    ** This thread discusses the article: 5250 to the Web--A Primer for the Perplexed **
    Since we're providing points here. I'm Joe Pluta, a member of the JTOpen Core Team, author of the recently published book Eclipse: Step by Step, and the originator of the entire DDS-to-HTML concept. In fact, my first book, e-Deployment: The Fastest Path to the Web, published back in 2000, introduced the concept of taking existing 5250 applications and converting them to use an HTML front end, bypassing the 5250 data stream completely. I'm also the creator of the only green-screen solution to web enablement, PSC/400. PSC/400 has been in development for nearly five years and in production for nearly two. It is the first product to provide a zero interactive tax solution, and it is still the ONLY product that does so on older iSeries and AS/400 models (WebFacing only provides this feature on the newest hardware models). PSC/400 requires NO software on the desktop, either for conversion or for running the converted code. PSC/400 generates, via a single green-screen command, two different conversion modes. First is our "green screen emulation" mode, which looks and acts almost exactly like the original 5250 application, only in a web browser. This unique feature allows you to web enable your applications but requires ZERO retraining for the end user or the programmer. Our second mode is the customization mode, which we call "gray screen". This mode generates the thinnest of JavaServer Pages - typically under 10KB, far smaller than competing techniques. These JSPs are easily customizable, but even then we don't require a bulky PC based tool. Instead, we stick to standard JSP syntax which can be edited easily by any tool you choose, such as DreamWeaver or even a simple text editor. We support a user exit program to provide security - our jobs run under the user profile you select in the exit program at session startup time, and thus take advantage of all of the security features of OS/400. We allow multiple sessions for the same user ID, as well as our unique "session reconnect" feature which allows you to instantly reconnect to a session lost due to network downtime or modem problems. We run on LANs, WANs and over the Internet, and can even work on dialups. We support not only WebSphere Standard Edition and WebSphere Express, but due to our adherence to Open Standards we can run on other web servers such as Tomcat and even on other operating systems such as FreeBSD Unix, allowing you to completely offload your web enabling requirements. PSC/400 was designed from the beginning to be used by application developers - a converted program requires distribution of only a JSP and a compiled XML file, and hot patches can easily be applied to a running application without bringing the application server down. These are just some of the features of PSC/400. With these alone we're the best of breed solution. But just as we were the first to provide this technology, we've got major product announcements coming up in the next two quarters, presenting new technologies that will continue to revolutionize the industry. Feel free to drop by our website, which will also be undergoing some major revamping to coincide with the new product announcements. Joe Pluta President Pluta Brothers Design, Inc. (The attachment below simply shows one of many look and feels available with PSC/400. In this style, the command keys are represented by clickable links, and the function keys also work. Since we make extensive use of styles sheets, you can literally change the look and feel on the fly. In the screenshot, you'll notice a small menu in the upper right hand corner. This menu will allow you to dynamically change the look and feel of the application at runtime. For a demo, contact us today!)[file name=6ae7c8ba_5002.jpg size=24]http://www.mcpressonline.com/images/fbfiles/files/6ae7c8ba_5002.jpg[/file]

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  • andreaf
    5250 to the Web--A Primer for the Perplexed

    ** This thread discusses the article: 5250 to the Web--A Primer for the Perplexed **
    The article does a good job of distinguishing between the different approaches available. I work with looksoftware and wanted to clarify what we offer. In addition to newlook, our solution for dynamic refacing of existing applications and creating new UIs, looksoftware also provides web-based emulation via centric. newlook provides access to the presentation layer of existing applications, while centric provides direct access to the application (program) layer and database layer. For example, centric can work directly with iSeries host programs (without requiring a 5250 datastream or interactive CPW). centric also provides direct access to databases. This functionality allows customers to choose the most appropriate interface (5250, browser-based or rich client) to meet the specific business requirement, while the 'backend' may be a combination of iSeries programs (new and existing) and databases including DB2, SQL Server and Oracle.

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  • Guest.Visitor
    Guest replied
    5250 to the Web--A Primer for the Perplexed

    ** This thread discusses the article: 5250 to the Web--A Primer for the Perplexed **
    I think you have done a good service in providing a classification of 5250-Web solutions into 4 neat categories. I would just like to point out the WebFacing may not fit so neatly into the "refacing" description. Since it is working on the DDS source and no 5250 stream is produced, it has some advantages. There is no interactive tax. (You did mention that there were some exceptions, thank you). The output can be customized without knowledge of HTML or Java by specifying WebSettings on fields and records before the WebFacing conversion. This allows you to look at your DDS in a graphical tool and indicate that you want to turn this field into a hyperlink and put an image here, etc. Clearly, knowledge of HTML and JavaScript will allow far greater customization. Also you are not inherently limited to 24x80 presentation with the WebFacing architecture. More work needs to be done by IBM to deliver on this potential but because the interface between the application and the WebFacing runtime is the record's buffer and not the full 5250 datastream, it will be possible to achieve complete separation of UI presention and business logic without having to change the original source.

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  • 5250 to the Web--A Primer for the Perplexed

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