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TechTip: V5R3 System Values

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  • MCWebsite.Staff
    Senior Member
    • Dec 2007
    • 997

    TechTip: V5R3 System Values

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  • gwilburn@hobbyhouse.com

    TechTip: V5R3 System Values

    ** This thread discusses the article: TechTip: V5R3 System Values **
    It's about time (no pun intended) that OS/400 automatically adjusts for DST... Why wasn't this done sooner?


    • bharder@nlrha.ab.ca

      TechTip: V5R3 System Values

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      I spent some time researching this several years ago. The understanding I got was that there are no universal rules for Daylight Savings Time. It's more like a convention than a rule. For instance, there are jurisdictions that do not observe DST (Indiana, Hawaii and Saskatchewan, for instance). Opting out is more common in rural areas and near the equator. There are also locations, typically near the polar regions, that adjust by 2 hours instead of 1 hour. Still, I have to agree. IBM could come up with a solution that works for 95+% of their customers.


      • bharder@nlrha.ab.ca

        TechTip: V5R3 System Values

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        Oh, and I forgot to add: Not all locations begin and end DST on the same dates either.


        • BVining
          Senior Member
          • Dec 2007
          • 105

          TechTip: V5R3 System Values

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          IBM in V5R3 provides over 60 *TIMZON descriptions which should cover many of the i5/OS customers. Admittedly there are a few locations, Lord Howe for instance with a 30 minute DST adjustment, that are not covered; but most are. IBM has provided V5R3 PTFs for some additional *TIMZONs and future releases will most likely add even more. Is there a specific *TIMZON you are looking for that is not currently provided?


          • Guest.Visitor

            TechTip: V5R3 System Values

            ** This thread discusses the article: TechTip: V5R3 System Values **
            The Work with Time Zone Descriptions (WRKTIMZON) command allows you to create custom time zone descriptions. This way it's possible to allow for ANY circumstance. There was an article here in July that covers this. Mike


            • Guest.Visitor

              TechTip: V5R3 System Values

              ** This thread discusses the article: TechTip: V5R3 System Values **
              We just installed a new box and upgraded to 5.3. We were caught off gaurd when the time auto adjusted for the time change last month. Reading this and the associated article I guess this is due to the fact that QTIMZON is set to QN0500EST, which has DST details in the description and should be QN0500EST2, which does not???


              • Guest.Visitor

                TechTip: V5R3 System Values

                ** This thread discusses the article: TechTip: V5R3 System Values **
                If you want to disable DST, that is correct.

