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non-display characters

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  • David Abramowitz
    Senior Member
    • Dec 2007
    • 3908

    non-display characters

    A lot depends on the hex code of the character(s) involved. The hex codes mean a lot to a 5250 display. Please post a sample of the code and perhaps an explanation will be forthcoming if not a solution. Dave
  • Guest.Visitor

    non-display characters

    David Thank you for responding. The program doesn't do much except present the data to the user. For this reason I only copied a portion of the code. I hope its enough. I also included a hex dump of the field that is affected. Again Thank you. Regards, James


    • R.Daugherty
      Junior Member
      • Jul 2024
      • 1231

      non-display characters

      Hi James, I haven't had to deal with something like this on the /400, but what I've done in the past on the PC with the contiguous ASCII character set is compare less than blank or greater than ~ and change to * or period or whatever was appropriate to display. (Character equivalents of hex mode usually display period for non-displayable characters.) Looking at the EBCDIC table, definitely not as easy although it looks like something along those lines with some kind of zone check or whatever would be required to do same. If all you have to deal with are control characters like the x'02' then you might be able to get by with comparing less than blank and change to period to display. rd


      • David Abramowitz
        Senior Member
        • Dec 2007
        • 3908

        non-display characters

        Try this: Combine bytes 229 and 230 into a new defined field (packed numeric) in your data definition. Hopefully that will alleviate the situation. Dave


        • bkittelson@banta.com
          Junior Member
          • Jul 2024
          • 1

          non-display characters

          We call a routine at my shop that looks at each character in the stream and converts an character <= x'41' to a x'40' for display purposes. This code was created a number of years (5 or 6) ago by another developer here and does the job for us.


          • Guest.Visitor

            non-display characters

            Sorry it took me so long to response. I've been traveling. I would like to thank all of you for responding and your ideas. I'm sure one will fit our needs. Once again, Thank you. James Ingram


            • wbois
              Junior Member
              • Jul 2024
              • 9

              non-display characters

              corrupt the 5250 data stream. You cannot display this field as is, as it will either be interpreted as a screen attribute or blank the rest of the screen out. We are currently involved with encrypting sensitive data at the field level, where this is a potential problem for any of our display functions that use this data. Unfortunately there is no option on a display file to replace undisplayable characters, like there is on a print file for unprintable characters. A question comes to mind. Is format level checking been shutoff on the file? Sounds like you may have a rogue program updating the data using an old file format definition. If you have a file utility like DBU from PRODATA you can easily scan for hex values in a starting position on the record and replace with a correct default value for the field attribute type. Beats writing a program to do the same.


              • Guest.Visitor

                non-display characters

                I have a non-display character in a field that is displayed at a workstation. When the pgm tries to display the screen; the program will halt due to the non-display character. I have two questions. 1). Is there something you can do to the display file so these type of characters will display? (without the pgm blowing up). We'll deal with the data at a later time. 2). Is there someway to test for this condition and replace the non-display characters with '*' or some other character within the RPG code itself. Thanks James

