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Practical Examples of Code Without Indicators, Part I

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  • er@ebner.cc
    Junior Member
    • Sep 2024
    • 4

    Practical Examples of Code Without Indicators, Part I

    ** This thread discusses the article: Practical Examples of Code Without Indicators, Part I **
    ** This thread discusses the Content article: Practical Examples of Code Without Indicators, Part I0
  • mrodenborn
    Junior Member
    • Sep 2024
    • 2

    Re:Practical Examples of Code Without Indicators, Part I

    ** This thread discusses the article: Practical Examples of Code Without Indicators, Part I **
    I also like using this: * Indicators D IndicatorPtr S * Inz(%Addr(*IN)) D DS Based(IndicatorPtr) D Exit 3 3N D Previous 12 12N D PositionFirst 34 34N D Error 37 37N D Emailed 46 46N D RollUp 50 50N D RollDown 51 51N D SflDsp 80 80N D SflDspctl 81 81N D SflInz 82 82N Then I can code: If Exit; Or SflDsp = *on;


    • J.Pluta
      Junior Member
      • Apr 2006
      • 2570

      Re:Practical Examples of Code Without Indicators, Part I

      ** This thread discusses the article: Practical Examples of Code Without Indicators, Part I **
      I agree, this is a very powerful technique. It does take a bit of explanation, though, and wouldn't fit very nicely into the space I had, but I might combine it with the AID byte in another installment of this discussion. Thanks, though, for bringing it up now! Joe


      • J.Pluta
        Junior Member
        • Apr 2006
        • 2570

        Re:Practical Examples of Code Without Indicators, Part I

        ** This thread discusses the article: Practical Examples of Code Without Indicators, Part I **
        This is an interesting technique because it allows you to use essentially the same concepts as the INDARA, but without having to specify INDARA. Here's another one, which Barbara Morris told me I could probably always count on: D Fkeys s n dim(24) based(pFkeys) D pFkeys s * inz(%addr(*INKA)) Now you can test Fkeys(12) to check for *INKL. You don't have to specify an indicator on the function key at all. Cool, eh? But this falls directly into the category I call "clever code" by which I mean code that no other human being will ever understand without a thorough explanation - and even then, they'll probably say "Why did you do that????" Joe


        • #5
          Re:Practical Examples of Code Without Indicators, Part I

          ** This thread discusses the article: Practical Examples of Code Without Indicators, Part I **
          I had always read that you could only put indicator type fields (Type 'N'), or arrays of indicator fields into an INDDS DS. Yet, I see that you have a 2-char alpha field in your INDDS. So, that restriction has been removed? Can I stop overlaying a DS over my INDDS to get the flexibility I want?


          • J.Pluta
            Junior Member
            • Apr 2006
            • 2570

            Re:Practical Examples of Code Without Indicators, Part I

            ** This thread discusses the article: Practical Examples of Code Without Indicators, Part I **
            I've never had the problem you describe, Doug. I tried to find an older release of the operating system and recreate it, but I didn't have any luck. But to answer your question, you can indeed redefine the INDDS with arrays or character fields to make it easier to handle groups of indicators.

