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datawarehousing jobs and how the indian workers are coming with H1B visas to replace US ones.

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  • datawarehousing jobs and how the indian workers are coming with H1B visas to replace US ones.

    H1-B's are filled up right now, although there was an exemption made for PH.D.'s which is a reasonable exemption. I don't see any difference between data warehousing and other areas of IT, including Indians trying to take the work overseas. ABC News.com has an article today that says the job market is taking off. I hope so. But with so many jobs sent overseas, it won't be long now before American companies start scratching various parts of their anatomy, asking with a puzzled voice "Where'd our customers go?" rd

  • #2
    datawarehousing jobs and how the indian workers are coming with H1B visas to replace US ones.

    What do you think about the H1B visa's in datawarehousing industry? Any one wants to discuss this topic ? Please read the article pointed by this URL first. http://www.hinduonnet.com/thehindu/t...0/&prd=edu&

