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Study: Outsourcing Boom Is Over

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  • David Abramowitz
    Senior Member
    • Dec 2007
    • 3908

    Study: Outsourcing Boom Is Over

    The article stated: The study found that 47 percent of buyers reported they had prematurely terminated at least one outsourcing relationship in the prior 12 months. It is evident that many companies are not aware of studies of this nature, nor are they aware of the experience of the company next door. They just have overactive CFOs who buy into the hype without knowledge, research, or forethought. Dave

  • #2
    Study: Outsourcing Boom Is Over

    It also said:
    Only 28 percent of buyers terminated at least one offshore deal, but 42 percent of onshore customers had done so. Of those, 53 percent cited poor performance by their onshore provider.
    What to make of that?


    • R.Daugherty
      Junior Member
      • Sep 2024
      • 1231

      Study: Outsourcing Boom Is Over

      that quarter results CEO's believed the huge consulting companies, who got fat on US tax dollars without delivering anything that worked, when they promised IT clueless executives 10% savings if IT was outsourced to them. The US companies could get rid of their computer people, oh excuse me, transfer them to the consulting companies for them to get rid of, and the consulting companies would run their operations better on a leaner budget with all the buzz words we hear day in and day out ad nauseum. The US consulting companies transferred as much overseas as fast as they could while sucking more than ever could be saved off the top, so the domestic outsourcing is the worst of all scenarios. The other 58% that haven't cancelled are either paying for it with our tax dollars or haven't got past an even more exorbitant penalty phase yet. rd


      • David Abramowitz
        Senior Member
        • Dec 2007
        • 3908

        Study: Outsourcing Boom Is Over

        .......and still,,,,most other firms (considering outsourcing) have not heard the news. Dave


        • padshore@optonline.net
          Junior Member
          • Sep 2024
          • 90

          Study: Outsourcing Boom Is Over

          As the Duke of Wellington said " There are lies, damn lies, and statistics" Either I'm reading this article differently than what the other respondents are doing, OR, I'm misreading what the other respondents are stating, but my take from this is that even MORE jobs are going offshore as the outsourcing contracts to onshore companies are being terminated. It does'nt say that the number of outsourcing contracts are diminishing. Anyone else have a different take? Alan


          • #6
            Study: Outsourcing Boom Is Over

            Wow - you apparently got a lot more out of that than I did. I thought that it indicated that companies were more satisfied with outsourcing offshore rather than on. That made me wonder if that's really true, and if it is, why?


            • Guest.Visitor

              Study: Outsourcing Boom Is Over

              When Lou Dobbs announces that the outsourcing boom is over, then I might believe it. I've actually been thinking about putting some money in funds that specialize in BRIC companies. :-) The economy here in the USA aint exactly hot. Chris


              • #8
                Study: Outsourcing Boom Is Over

                When Lou Dobbs announces the outsourcing boom is over and the sky isn't falling, HE'LL be out of a job. That's why he won't do it. ;-) There are a couple of IMHO good articles on Mr. Dobbs here and here. I'll see your Dobbs and raise you a Kudlow ;-).


                • R.Daugherty
                  Junior Member
                  • Sep 2024
                  • 1231

                  Study: Outsourcing Boom Is Over

                  You must be joking, Brian. Lou is plenty busy with immigration. Outsourcing plays second fiddle these days. But he's doing a great job on both, or at least that's one opinion from this CNN watcher. Ralph


                  • Guest.Visitor

                    Study: Outsourcing Boom Is Over

                    and down the drain went my privacy. Despite having my phone number on do not calling list, I get calls from telemarketeers. I can tell by their accent that it is someone from my birthplace India! How do they find my address when I change it every three to six months? Guess what? It is all thanks to the call centres in India that have access to my personal records but are not obliged by any privacy rules.


                    • David Abramowitz
                      Senior Member
                      • Dec 2007
                      • 3908

                      Study: Outsourcing Boom Is Over

                      Hassan.Farooqi wrote: It is all thanks to the call centres in India that have access to my personal records but are not obliged by any privacy rules. But the companies that they solicit for, are! In the U.S. the soliciting company is ultimately responsible for the act(s) of the caller. It is normally a $2,000 fine. I have no idea how it works north of the border. Dave


                      • Guest.Visitor

                        Study: Outsourcing Boom Is Over

                        You guys might want to check out the book The World Is Flat in which the author explains why it is good that programming is being outsourced to southeast Asia (hint: he thinks they are smarter and better educated than we are). And he says this is a good thing for the western countries -- perhaps it will make us want to be smarter and better educated. I'm just waiting for someone like Bank of America to lose a few trillion dollars by giving programming and data access to people who are smarter than we and not bound by US laws. There has already been extortion by Indian programmers who threatened to post credit card numbers on the internet if they did not acquire substantial salary increases. This was a bare murmur in the press. As with Y2K, few people listen to what IT people have to say.


                        • David Abramowitz
                          Senior Member
                          • Dec 2007
                          • 3908

                          Study: Outsourcing Boom Is Over

                          wickedwoman wrote: hint: he thinks they are smarter and better educated than we are This is another myth perpetuated by outsourcing marketeers, and bought into by CFOs, and to a lesser extent an uninformed public. I have experienced a perception of a positive stereotype for the foreign worker, which is based not in reality, but in the pamphlets of the outsourcing salesperson. The facts are that the salesperson will show a one-to-one cost and performance benefit, but after the contract has been signed, the client company will discover that they now have to deal with four to five people whom they do not know for each in-house programmer replaced. Dave


                          • Guest.Visitor

                            Study: Outsourcing Boom Is Over

                            Well the problem is on the both side of the border as the headquarters of most businesses are in the USA and south of border outsourcing call centres seems to have become a fad. It is true that the companies whose call centres are in India, are bound by privacy laws. However I don't think Indian government cares if call centre people sells the database to private third party illegally. What amazes me is the speed at which they follow me wherever I go. One call to India to keep up with my lineage, and phone companies start calling me offering me cheap long distance to India. Then my first and middle name combo i.e. Hassan Moinuddin gives them an idea that my family has reverence to Sufi Saint Khaja Moinuddin Hassan and therefore I start receiving appeal for donations for the pilgrim centre in Ajmer. The list goes on. I wonder if NSA has such a good intelligence system with all their super computers.


                            • Guest.Visitor

                              Study: Outsourcing Boom Is Over

                              I have read the book The World is Flat, though not in detail. It is a superb book but with some flaws. The fact is, North America is not know to be "Land of Opportunity" without merit. A real smart guy becomes a billionaire, just smart multi-millionaire, average guy just about rich. In India, a real smart guy might end up on streets for not having the right opportunity. Or he maybe opinionated like me and gets kicked out in a society that goes by strict norms. When these outsourcing companies goes there, they find real smart people real cheap. The best brains are being hired by these companies. My present boss is a Phd in Nuclear Physics (from here) but he changed lines to I.T. Another guy I know had his Phd in poultry. How much could a guys with Phd in poultry earn in India? If the outsourcing boom is indeed over, it would simply mean these companies have hired all the smart guys in India and can find no more.

