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FTP Transfer to an Internet Address

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  • Guest.Visitor

    FTP Transfer to an Internet Address

    I am having a problem transferring data from our AS400 to a customer of ours via the internet. The AS400 is part of our LAN as is our proxy server/firewall. When I execute the ftp command from our AS400 in a batch program it says it cannot connect. We are currently running V4R1 of the OS400 operating system. Can anyone help me? Thanks.
  • Guest.Visitor

    FTP Transfer to an Internet Address

    Perhaps you could post your script, and maybe an error log? Dave


    • Guest.Visitor

      FTP Transfer to an Internet Address

      When I execute the ftp command from our AS400 in a batch program it says it cannot connect. Can you FTP interactively? If you can, then you might want to check the FTP command or syntax in your batch program. However, if neither batch FTP or interactive FTP can connect to the Internet, then firewall may be an issue. By default, AS/400 firewall blocks all the FTP traffic in packet filtering rule. If that is the case, you have three options. 1) Change or add packet filtering rules to allow FTP traffic for your AS/400 and enable IP forwarding. However, you need to be aware that you are exposing your AS/400 to the hackers by doing this. 2) FTP via SOCKS server - To do that, you must enable AS/400 as the SOCKS client and firewall SOCKS server to allow FTP function. However, I don't remember whether AS/400 at V4R1 level allow AS/400 as SOCKS client. To find out, from Operation Nav click Network, Protocols, then right click TCP/IP and select Properties. If you see SOCKS folder tag at the end, then use that to enable AS/400 as the SOCKS client. 3) FTP via NAT - Network Address Tranlation is added to AS/400 firewall since V4R3, and this may be easiest way and common way to do it. It's not only allow AS/400 to FTP, but also any PC on the LAN without installing other product on the PC. I guess the question is whether worth upgrading AS/400 to latest release due to V4R5 will be the last one for AS/400 firewall. Shawn


      • Guest.Visitor

        FTP Transfer to an Internet Address

        Also is there an AS400 equivalent of the trace route command?


        • Guest.Visitor

          FTP Transfer to an Internet Address

          Can you ping the destination IP address? bobh


          • Guest.Visitor

            FTP Transfer to an Internet Address

            Not yet (not by IBM anyway), may be in V5Rx. Shawn Fu


            • Guest.Visitor

              FTP Transfer to an Internet Address

              You should be able to run a comm trace. Goto system Service Tools, (STRSST) choose option 3 for communication trace. Enter the lined you are using to connect to your ISP. When the trace is complete, stop the trace, and print it. Specify ASCII.


              • Guest.Visitor

                FTP Transfer to an Internet Address

                Good thinking. However, I don't think the comm trace will provide routers(hop) information like trace route command on the DOS. If it does, it would be information overload just to find those info on the spool file. I don't know why IBM still has not come out with such a command for the As/400. The trace route logic seems to be so simple to program. It wouldn't be surprised to me that someone already wrote such a utility for the shareware or for themselves. Shawn Fu


                • Guest.Visitor

                  FTP Transfer to an Internet Address

                  Gary - You can get an AS/400 trace route utility at www.ignite400.org. Look under the 'Free Software' link. HTH, Steve


                  • Guest.Visitor

                    FTP Transfer to an Internet Address

                    No we can't ping from the AS400 but if we enter the ping command on a DOS prompt on a PC we can. The PC is using client access as well. I tried to use the trace route example found on Ignite.org but I couldn't get it to work. Can't remember the error off hand,(it's been a week or so since I tried).


                    • J.Panzenhagen

                      FTP Transfer to an Internet Address

                      Gary, It may sound too obvious, but does your firewall allow your AS/400 TCP-IP address to have access to the Internet? It may not for security concerns. Additionally, can you FTP to the site from a PC? Good luck, John Panzenhagen


                      • Guest.Visitor

                        FTP Transfer to an Internet Address

                        OK, then; Can the 400 ping itself? is the default. bobh


                        • Guest.Visitor

                          FTP Transfer to an Internet Address

                          Yes we can FTP from a PC. We found the log for the proxy/firewall server which shows the ftp packet traffic going to the server. However it does not let the packets thru. This only happens when I create a TCP route for my destination IP address and point it at the proxy/firewall. Can you tell me how to let the traffic thru the firewall? We are using Microsoft Proxy as the firewall.


                          • Guest.Visitor

                            FTP Transfer to an Internet Address

                            YES We can ping the 400 itself with


                            • Guest.Visitor

                              FTP Transfer to an Internet Address

                              Gary - I could be mistaken (it's happened before) but I believe that, if you PING, the packet does not actually go out 'on the wire' (network) but, instead PINGs to are kept internal to your machine and are primarily used to verify that TCP/IP is running correctly internally. Perhaps one of the folks on this forum can confirm or deny this but I believe that it's true. HTH, Steve

