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Change Job Queue priority

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  • Guest.Visitor
    Guest replied
    Change Job Queue priority

    Jack, Run priority can be assigned via a class or job description -not- a job queue. I think the only way you do what you want would be to have a scheduled job that runs at a specific time which looks at all of the jobs waiting to run in your special jobq and for every job that is still waiting, you do a ChgJob to lower it's run priority. Bill > I would like to change the run priority of a jobq so that any jobs being submitted will run at that level. > As I look at the jobqs, they all have a run priority of 0. Maybe I can't change this setting.

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  • Guest.Visitor
    Guest replied
    Change Job Queue priority

    Bill, I would like to change the run priority of a jobq so that any jobs being submitted will run at that level. As I look at the jobqs, they all have a run priority of 0. Maybe I can't change this setting. Jack

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  • Guest.Visitor
    Guest replied
    Change Job Queue priority

    Is there any way to change a jobq to run at a certain priority? We have some evening and overnight jobs that need to finish by a certain time and we'd like to change the priority of a jobq. Can it be done? Thanks, Jack

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  • Guest.Visitor
    Guest replied
    Change Job Queue priority

    I'm not familiar with a job queue priority change however you can change the priority and timeslice via CHGCLS. You can change the attributes for a specific class (or create your own class). You could change this via job scheduled entry and change back to normal operations at designated times.

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  • Guest.Visitor
    Guest replied
    Change Job Queue priority

    Jack, Before we can give you a definitive answer, we need to be clear on what you are really asking. I can't tell if you are asking about Jobq priority or job run priority. JobQ priority specifies where a job sits in the queue while it waits to run. Job Queues specify how many jobs can run at the same time and how many of a certain jobq priority can run at the same time. Job run priority specifies the order in which a job is eligible to request processing time. Bill > Is there any way to change a jobq to run at a certain priority? We have some evening and overnight > jobs that need to finish by a certain time and we'd like to change the priority of a jobq. Can it be done?

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  • Guest.Visitor
    Guest started a topic Change Job Queue priority

    Change Job Queue priority

    I don't think so, but You could use together a submit job with a scheduled time and the "special" queue QS36EVOKE, which normally starts the jobs immediately (so you are sure other jobs will not wait). For example, if Your job has to end before 19.00 and has a duration of 40 minutes, start a job SMBJOB CMD(CALL(YourLIB/YourJob)) JOBQ(QS36EVOKE) SCDTIME(181000) or something like this HTH René