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WRKTCPSTS *CNN - is this info listed in a file - or an API?

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    WRKTCPSTS *CNN - is this info listed in a file - or an API?

    Hi, Our Client Access sessions drop out occasionally and give us the black screen. I have found that ending the connections (and the workstation or printer job) in WRKTCPSTS *CNN (this only lists to the screen - not a file or spoolfile) frees up the device so it can re-connect. I would like to access the information with a program to automate fixing these devices. Is this info listed in a file - or an API. Along the same line, is there a way to determine what device or job a particular IP and port number connected for (QDCRDEVD works the other way around; lists the IP for a devd - but it doesn't work for printers). John
  • Guest.Visitor

    WRKTCPSTS *CNN - is this info listed in a file - or an API?

    QUSRSYS/QATOCIFC QDCRDEVD does work for printers. Look at the documentation in the IBM Information Center on that API. You'll find it. I can't remember which format/position it's in off the top of my head. You can find hundreds of other tips just like this one (and in fact, this the information you request here is also in this book) in the book "Desktop Encyclopedia of Tips, Techniques and Programming Practices for iSeries" available from MC Press on this website.

