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Reinventing the wheel

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  • #61
    Reinventing the wheel

    Just for the record, Susan - ADM does not come with the AS/400. In fact PDM does not come with the AS/400. These are options which must be purchased separately from the OS. Dave


    • #62
      Reinventing the wheel

      Sounds like another one for the NIH story files. Dave


      • #63
        Reinventing the wheel

        I use RZ for RGZPFM filename KEYFILE(*FILE) in WRKOBJPDM. Dave


        • #64
          Reinventing the wheel

          Did you know you could put comments in the PDM options file?
           __ JC /* Copy member to IFS */ CPYTOSTMF FROMMBR('/QSYS.LIB/&L.LIB __ JD /* Display IFS java file */ DSPF STMF('/bmorris/&N.java') __ JG /* Get java signatures */ QSH CMD('javap -s &N') __ JH /* Get JNI .H file */ QSH CMD('javah &N') __ JJ /* compile java class */ QSH CMD('javac -g &N.java') __ JV /* Run a java class */ JAVA CLASS(&N) CLASSPATH('/bmorris/') 
          Hiker's motto: Never lose altitude My motto: Never waste keystrokes I have a zillion options, some bizarrely specific that are leftover from a one-time need, most in constant use. I just added QC - I always did F10 before, but not having the cursor move ... ahhhh. Barbara


          • #65
            Reinventing the wheel

            We have a bunch of mainframe-ers who refuse(?) to learn the 400 commands and their simple structure. So one of them has re-created commands by duplicating the command into his library, and changing the default values. So signoff has become BY STRPDM is PDM and I guess he forgot BY existed, so he created OFF to Signoff. Trevor


            • #66
              Reinventing the wheel

              Here's a few of mine. Some here think I'm crazy, but I can't stand filling in the same command options more than a couple of times:
               AL - addlible &L CP - crtpgm &L/&N module(&L/&N*) entrymod(&N) CS - crtsrvpgm &L/&N module(&L/&N) export(*all) DF - dltf &L/&N DL - dspsplf &N splnbr(*last) DP - dltpgm &L/&N DV - dltsrvpgm &L/&N EA - edtobjaut &L/&N objtype(&t) ED - enddbg IZ - inzpfm &L/&N totrcds(1) LL - dsplibl OL - wrkobjlck &L/&N objtype(&T) RG - rclactgrp QILE SD - sbmdbjob file(&L/&F) mbr(&N) SD - strdbg &L/&N opmsrc(*yes) updprod(*yes) SL - crtrpgmod &L/&N srcfile(&L/&F) option(*seclvl *nogen) SP - wrksplf WA - wrkactjob WC - wrkcfgsts WN - wrknetf WQ - wrkobjpdm qtemp WS - wrksbmjob 
              An interesting thread. I thought I always noticed when I do the same thing over and over, but I've seen a few here that made me hit my forehead and immediately add them (like XL = dltsplf). Wheee!


              • #67
                Reinventing the wheel

                Joe, I prefer the *NOGEN method because it doesn't actually create the program object (assuming the compile is successful) and is therefore quicker and uses less system resources. Scott Mildenberger


                • #68
                  Reinventing the wheel

                  Barbara asked: Did you know you could put comments in the PDM options file? Yes, I knew that. But for some reason, it never occurred to me to put them in front of the command. I always put them after.


                  • #69
                    Reinventing the wheel

                    Hmm. I copy commands and change the defaults. PDM can't handle everything, and you're not always on a PDM screen. I copy WRKMBRPDM and WRKOBJPDM to WM and WO. And I have a version of CPYF: CPYFNOCHK with MBROPT(*ADD) TOMBR(*FROMMBR) CRTFILE(*NO) FMTOPT(*NOCHK). Well, I try not to have duplicates like BY and OFF (duh). But my PDM options file is full of duplicates for things I only need temporarily. Who uses STRPDM anyway? WRKMBRPDM/WRKOBJPDM/WRKLIBPDM etc. are only 1 keystroke more, counting choosing an option and pressing enter again, and unless you type _really_ slowly, wrkmbrpdm is quicker. (wm is even quicker, of course.) Barbara


                    • #70
                      Reinventing the wheel

                      But if you put them after, you can't see them on the F16 listing.


                      • #71
                        Reinventing the wheel

                        Who uses STRPDM anyway? You would be surprised. I am working with about 3 dozen people who do. They look at me like I have 3 heads when I use exciting commands like WRKMBRPDM, etc. They very proud of their "BY" command too.


                        • #72
                          Reinventing the wheel

                          I have a zillion options, some bizarrely specific that are leftover from a one-time need, most in constant use. I just added QC - I always did F10 before, but not having the cursor move ... ahhhh. LOL! Thanks for making a tough day a little easier, Barbara. I know exactly that feeling... the "ahhhhh" of learning a new little secret. Gene's spool file commands did the same for me . Nice to know I could give you a little something back for all you've done for us here.


                          • #73
                            Reinventing the wheel

                            I have a few shortcuts. Here are a couple: RP - CRTBNDPGM with all the compiler options set the way I like them CP - CRTPRTF with options set and parameter (with defaults) for page size, overflow, etc. that are different then the command defaults. DQ - CLROUTQ with default set to my personal outq Q1, Q2, etc - CHGSPLFA FILE(*SELECT) SELECT(*CURRENT) OUTQ(USA02PRT03) Each Qn command is for a different OUTQ. Easy way to quickly redirect everything in my outq to a different outq WM - WRKMBRPDM with parms set to my favorite source physical file. ==Scott==


                            • #74
                              Reinventing the wheel

                              OFF was the first command OFFC was the first CPP I ever wrote. In December of 1988, I got tired of keying in SIGNONFF and I rarely used IBM menus. -bret


                              • #75
                                Reinventing the wheel

                                Scott, That defeats the purpose of writing code in ouR PiG. -bret

