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Is It Time for Free-Format?

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  • #61
    Is It Time for Free-Format?

    ** This thread discusses the article: Is It Time for Free-Format? **
    mscottx wrote: Nothing irritates me more than respectable programmers who are experts in their fields that refuse to advance. What irritates you, is of little concern. There is far more important things occurring on this planet, that should be of greater consequence. My first job in I.T. (it was called D.P. back then) was with a company called McCormick and Dodge. At the time this was the biggest software house in the world. I coded in COBOL on a System/34. If you are not familiar with COBOL, you should be aware that the language is not columnar. In fact if done in a certain manner, it really does read like English. I state this only for the record, that I have been coding in a free form fashion for over a quarter century. I also do some VB and VBA programming. Columnar RPG is my preference. It is a personal preference. I can see things that other coders have written with a greater clarity, and can speed up the coding process for myself. mscottx wrote: This is the IT business people. Unless you work for a software house, no it isn't. The business may be manufacturing, or health care, or distribution, or retail, or banking, or insurance, or whatever, but it is not the I.T. business. To the owners of such a business, I.T. is a cost center, adding nothing tangible to the bottom line. We all know our worth and contributions by expediting the flow of information, but that is not how the I.T. departments are viewed by shareholders, and executives. Consequently the time necessary to rewrite working code in many instances needs to be justified. My best wishes to you, if you do not need to go through this process, but is has been the status quo everywhere I have been. "If it ain't broke, don't fix it" is a management mantra. Try walking a mile in my shoes before you put the pebbles into your own. Dave


    • #62
      Is It Time for Free-Format?

      ** This thread discusses the article: Is It Time for Free-Format? **
      brianmay wrote: Our approach was to convert code as it needed maintenance This is what I advocated in the first place. Dave


      • #63
        Is It Time for Free-Format?

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        If you want to mandate that /free be used, then I have to suggest that /free is failing to catch on. Usually mandating something is the last effort of a failing policy or belief system. "Let's force people to do this or that" (insert your favorite topic of the day). I don't think /free should be mandated--of course it cannot be mandated. What I think is reasonable is to realize that not everyone thinks or has the same priorities as "you" do. Do the best job you can. As a business person, you can decide to leave certain sections of customers behind (not providing a V4R4 version of your package) if you choose to. Business is all about decisions. But forcing people to do it your way or no way is a great way to loose customers or employees. For me, 80+ percent of my book audience does not use /free. Of those prabably 75 to 90 percent don't want to ever use it. Is that a good decision on their part? Doesn't matter. It is their decision. As an author, I need to know where the market _is_ not where it _should be_ and service that market. Being in the manority (i.e., a /free coder) isn't a bad thing, after all, we as iSeries Professionals, are in the manority anyway--so why worry about it?


        • #64
          Is It Time for Free-Format?

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          Next, you'll say using callback functions is too complicated. Just figuring out what you're talking about is too complicated. rd


          • #65
            Is It Time for Free-Format?

            ** This thread discusses the article: Is It Time for Free-Format? **
            ...but /FREE needs work. ASNA has a completely free-form implementation of RPG for .NET; why can't the Toronto team figure out how to finish free-form? IBM's message is Java for the UI and RPG for the business logic; let's get RPG to where it should be. %editc(myNumVar:'X') is a little clunky; I'd think an extension to %CHAR would be a more elegant solution. My pet peeve is the lack of free-form GOTO and TAG. I have complex order entry, cash application, and dispatch programs relying on GOTO's to facilitate user navigation; having free-form logic punctuated by /END-FREE and /FREE to support one line of control logic is a distraction. There's no economic value in rewriting the programs to eliminate GOTO/TAG and there seems to be no technical reason *not* to have GOTO/TAG supported in free-format. I suspect it's a case of Sister Mary Charles Bronson instructing us on using proper structured techniques. The alternative (building control structures to control program flow) seems to introduce additional complexity, and I'm coding so the seventh programmer down the line can understand the logic. But I digress. Overall, I find /free to be easier to code, faster to code, and easier to read. SQL's been addressed, at long last! I give Toronto high marks for what's been done so far but their grade comes with an asterisk pending completion of the job. I don't know enough about the implementation of the ILE RPG compiler to know if having a separate command (CRTFFRPG, with *MODULE or *PGM parameters) and/or a separate source member type (FFRPGLE) would support greater functionality. Ducks: the only problem is that Bob's sample isn't big enough (unless we're giving up on statistics). My pond is bigger (US, Canada, India) and I have yet to see others using /free for development. Happy user kudo: Linoma's RPG Toolbox is pretty good. It adds nice /free functionality to SEU and offers a couple of handy batch commands for converting to, and working with, free-form RPG. It appears to provide better functionality than using CoDe or WDSCi.


            • #66
              Is It Time for Free-Format?

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              Your view of /Free pretty much matches IBM's design point David. Hans Bolt (then the compiler architect) said publicly many times that IBM did not view /Free as a target for conversion but rather for new code. It is for that reason that IBM have not produced a /Free conversion tool - other than the simplistic effort that is part of CODE and WDSC. The decision not to produce a revised CVTRPGSRC was a result of this thinking. However, many RPG programmers had other ideas and have moved to /Free without any IBM assistance. That is as big an indication of others perception of the value of /Free as anything else. CVTRPGSRC was always a pretty pathetic conversion anyway - leaving From/To etc. in place as it did. I have always recommended my clients to use the Linoma tool which is cheap and effective. It has been updated for /Free and does an almost 100% job of converting. I don't subscribe to the "If it ain't broke don't fix it" mantra. If things were never "broke" we wouldn't be needed. Things are always "broke" - they need maintenance and updates constantly. I would never advocate changing a program that will never be touched - but I might well use Linoma's tool to convert any program that needed significant maintenance because the result will be so much easier to work with. I've also noticed that in many shops an attitude of "It ain't broke" is often closely followed by "I'm being replaced by a Windows solution".


              • #67
                Is It Time for Free-Format?

                ** This thread discusses the article: Is It Time for Free-Format? **
                "For me, 80+ percent of my book audience does not use /free. Of those probably 75 to 90 percent don't want to ever use it." Aren't we talking mallards again here Bob? Sorry - couldn't resist! It might be equally valid to say that they are waiting for you to lead them!


                • #68
                  Is It Time for Free-Format?

                  ** This thread discusses the article: Is It Time for Free-Format? **
                  Hassan Farooqi wrote: > While I am lobbying for the freedom of D specs I'm of a mixed opinion on this. At first blush, freeform D specs seems reasonable. But the more I thought about it, I figured "definition definition" (from the Department Of Redundancy Department ) was a good place for columnar data. CL is freeform and a lot of people code the variable declares like this: DCL &Var1 *CHAR 10 DCL &Var2 *CHAR 10 DCL &Var3 *DEC 5 0 because it's easier to read "definition definition" in columnar form. IMHO. -- Jeff Crosby Dilgard Frozen Foods, Inc. P.O. Box 13369 Ft. Wayne, IN 46868-3369 260-422-7531 The opinions expressed are my own and not necessarily the opinion of my company. Unless I say so.


                  • #69
                    Is It Time for Free-Format?

                    ** This thread discusses the article: Is It Time for Free-Format? **
                    I'll use /free when they pry the columns from my cold, dead hands. Just a little joke, folks. :} To be serious: I have coded in several free form languages. I prefer it and enjoy it. I code in /free whenever I can. But, my some clients tell me that they don't want /free code introduced into their shops. It's their choice. One thing that drives me batty is that the /free and /end-free has to start in COLUMN 7. COLUMN 7!!!!!! Why can't I start in column 1. I don't have to put a C in column 6 for cripes sake! Plus, I can't go all the way to column 80. Puhleeze, open the language up to true free formatting. Also, remove the need for F, D and all specification designations. Give us something like DIM to declare variables. The F spec can be replaced with a file declaration statement that would be free format. This is what could be done: 1. Drop support for the current RPG. 2. Create a new native language based on RPG but is truly free format and build enhancements into the new language. 3. Provide a good conversion from RPG to the new language. Maybe, instead of switching from columnar RPG to /free RPG, the argument needs to be: Why do we need RPG anymore? H'mmmm. Something to consider. Tom.


                    • #70
                      Is It Time for Free-Format?

                      ** This thread discusses the article: Is It Time for Free-Format? **
                      I have worked in Flintstone age shops. They absolutely refused to allow the III code to be converted to IV. I am talking of as late as 1999. Well the I.T. manageer got transferred the new one gave me an open hand. So I made a habit of first converting a program to IV before making any change to it. I have the same free hand in my present shop. When I have to change a program, I just go to WSDC and click it /free before changing it. There is absolutely no excuse for resisting /free or any of the V5 changes. Yes people do come with an excuse to not using ILE and not using externalized I/O but I soon find them vanished, and sometimes the AS/400 shop with them. It is the resistance to modernization that is seeing the demise of AS/400 and when it comes from a Guru, it is indeed a very very sad sight.


                      • #71
                        Is It Time for Free-Format?

                        ** This thread discusses the article: Is It Time for Free-Format? **
                        "80+ percent of my book audience does not use /free". It is so because you are their guru, and they trust you when you say it is not important. Remember your audience are newbies, teach them the right thing. Try leading instead of representation and I guarentee you will win the next election ;-)


                        • #72
                          Is It Time for Free-Format?

                          ** This thread discusses the article: Is It Time for Free-Format? **
                          I have been fighting for a subset compiler for quite some time on different forums. I have seen how the COBOL compiler subset worked on 370, not allowing non-ANSI code way back in the 70's. Why can't IBM come up with a subset that will not allow fixed format and other irks like GOTO? I tell those who resist this idea that they can go back to programming in RPGIII using RPG cycle, indicators, and all those Gawd Forsaken things, I dont have any objection. IBM should support them. By the same token, I should have the right to ask IBM for a subset that wont allow sphagetti code. Also a totally free format code.


                          • #73
                            Is It Time for Free-Format?

                            ** This thread discusses the article: Is It Time for Free-Format? **
                            I remember your criticism of V5 when it came in 2001, Hans Boldt had forwarded that link to iSeries Network RPG forum and asked for comments. He also forwarded a link by an article from Jon Paris which he referred to as "Free Trip to Paris" My response was "Berlin is Nicht Frei", refering to the fact that all was not free in RPG. I suggested different formats on a forum opened by George Farr. If RPG does not break free and remains stagnant the way it is for past 5 years, your code might as well last for 20 years or less. It seems Hans departure has had a drastic effect on RPG teams progressive attitude. My experience of /free reception is totally different. I was able to convince a lot many shops by showing the new look of the code. How easy it was to maintain etc etc. You have a point here about people from other languages. Indeed those who were convinced were the ones who were familiar with Cobol, C++, Java etc.


                            • #74
                              Is It Time for Free-Format?

                              ** This thread discusses the article: Is It Time for Free-Format? **
                              Jon, Vague reference but I hear ya.


                              • #75
                                Is It Time for Free-Format?

                                ** This thread discusses the article: Is It Time for Free-Format? **
                                I think everyone here knows that it is my primary concern that the green screen is the issue with iSeries, not the programming language. For me, if someone says "I hit the 50 file limit, is there a work around?" Yes, it is moving to RPG IV from RPGII/III. Moving to /free buys you zero benefit and costs you that person moving. By moving to RPGIV (regular syntax) they move to it, and thus can start to use procedures and the hybrid free-form syntax via EVAL. If they eventually need to move to /free, it is there--but it ain't there if the get scared and stay in RPG III. And if they stay in RPG III, they can't do CGI, they can't migrate to non-green screen (very effectively) and they can't do cool new things with their applications. In RPG IV, free format only gives you the ability to use XML-INTO and XML-SAX opcodes; beyond that, you can do everything with traditional RPG IV syntax. And that's as it should be; we should be able to do everything in regular hybrid RPG as well as /free. My view is NOT "don't go to /free" it is "go ahead if you want to". I suppose we're at a point here where the messenger (i.e., me) is saying "do what you want now" rather than "/free sucks!" that I've got to be prepared to take a number of "why didn't you say this sooner, and why give people the option?" But hey, I am thinking of more than just mallards.

