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Has IBM relinquished the B2C marketplace to the competition?

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  • J.Wells
    Junior Member
    • Sep 2024
    • 598

    Has IBM relinquished the B2C marketplace to the competition?



    • Guest.Visitor

      Has IBM relinquished the B2C marketplace to the competition?

      The new director is actually pretty sharp. He is in a difficult position where he has to make things happen. He has a background w/ IBM and he says he's making this decision based on the fact that we need to consolidate on to one platform. On top of that our existing web-to-400 app is too complex as modifications end up being replicated over the different layers we have in place. I have no arguments w/ his decision as it makes perfect business sense. Also, as a side note, I have little if any influence on decisions being made.


      • T.Holt
        Junior Member
        • Oct 2004
        • 805

        Has IBM relinquished the B2C marketplace to the competition?

        Nathan said: Hey, Ted. We're just about the same age. Hope to see you around at 90 . I'll be 44 in July. Can't you just imagine us, two old geezers at the nursing home? Ted: Hey, Nathan. Do you remember the LR indicator? Nathan: LR? LR? Hmmmmmm. ... Oh yeah! Now I remember. I really liked that indicator. It was one of my favorites. I used it all the time.


        • R.Daugherty
          Junior Member
          • Sep 2024
          • 1231

          Has IBM relinquished the B2C marketplace to the competition?

          Gimme a break, Ted. You'll still be coding in the nursing home. They'll have to pry the keyboard out of your cold fingers... Ralph


          • T.Holt
            Junior Member
            • Oct 2004
            • 805

            Has IBM relinquished the B2C marketplace to the competition?

            Ralph said: Gimme a break, Ted. You'll still be coding in the nursing home. They'll have to pry the keyboard out of your cold fingers... Old nurse to new hire: You see that old geezer in room 126? That's Mr. Holt. He sits there at that table all day typing on that keyboard and looking at that monitor. He's too senile to realize they're not hooked up to anything.


            • frankgw@adelphia.net
              Junior Member
              • Sep 2024
              • 585

              Has IBM relinquished the B2C marketplace to the competition?

              Per IBM's Phil Coultard on iSeries Web Application Architecture - "and another set skilled at writing business logic." ---------------------------------------------------- Does this mean RPG is supposed to live on according to IBM? One out of four jobs isn't all bad - still beats flipping burgers! ---------------------------------------------------- Ted - You may have spoken too soon. As others have pointed out, RPG may be around for decades not days.


              • T.Holt
                Junior Member
                • Oct 2004
                • 805

                Has IBM relinquished the B2C marketplace to the competition?

                Ted - Frank said: Ted - You may have spoken too soon. As others have pointed out, RPG may be around for decades not days. I certainly hope so, Frank. I've got a lot of years to retirement (if I ever retire, that is.) This superannuated old fossil would like to see all that old stuff hang on as long as it can.


                • frankgw@adelphia.net
                  Junior Member
                  • Sep 2024
                  • 585

                  Has IBM relinquished the B2C marketplace to the competition?

                  It is interesting to note that both Microsoft & IBM reference BUY.COM when attempting to sell their E-commerce solutions. What does this mean for the iSeries? Microsoft reference http://www.microsoft.com/windows2000.../buydotcom.asp IBM reference http://www.pc.ibm.com/ww/solutions/server/buy_com.html


                  • frankgw@adelphia.net
                    Junior Member
                    • Sep 2024
                    • 585

                    Has IBM relinquished the B2C marketplace to the competition?

                    Thought you might be interested in knowing how this great debate turned out - Well, after much discussion and investigation, a decision was made to outsource our web site on a Windows platform. Just couldn't justify the expense of doing it on an in house iSeries at this point in time. There is currently more software available and at lower prices for the Windows platform. Also, more local people with Internet skills are available to do the actual work on a Windows platform. Either way, we just didn't have the necessary skills in house. Remember - we are a small shop with only one full time programmer who still specializes in RPG.


                    • frankgw@adelphia.net
                      Junior Member
                      • Sep 2024
                      • 585

                      Has IBM relinquished the B2C marketplace to the competition?

                      With all its emphasis on B2B, I'm wondering - "Has IBM relinquished the B2C marketplace to the competition?" Is it just me? What do the rest of you think?


                      • David Abramowitz
                        Senior Member
                        • Dec 2007
                        • 3908

                        Has IBM relinquished the B2C marketplace to the competition?

                        I understand, but watch what happens. I have one client who did pretty much the same thing for the same reasons. The only difference is that we are still hosting the web site, and using the 400 as the server. Smaller shop management tends to have a greater deal of control, at least on the micro level. By farming out a portion of IT requirements, a certain amount of control had to be relinquished. This proved, in time, to be unacceptable to those who were used to instantaneous turnaround times. Little by little we took back control of the situation to the point of near comfortability. Eliminating the outside source is now a goal which we should reach by next year. Dave

