PHL Soft
PHL Soft company has made his name in publishing and distribution of software development for IBM i (AS/400). Its first product line, that dedicated to the modernization of existing applications programmed in RPG, wins a great success for several years. To meet the desire of some companies using PHP to develop business applications on the Web, PHL Soft has launched a second range of tools based on this language.
Created by experts from around the IBM i (AS/400)'s world, PHL Soft seeks to implement industry standards in this environment. PHL Web, PHL Print and PHL XML are based on XML standards and PDF formats, and can be adapt to Web applications written in RPG. This dual culture preserves the gains while keeping the opening to the future: the product range has been designed with a rich graphical interface that can be easily operated by all the IBM i (AS/400) traditional users than any other developer. They can also write new applications without changing language or tool. Our 100 clients can attest the merits of this approach.
To assist the opening of the IBM i (AS/400), the new range created by PHL Soft PHP400 relies on PHP, because it inescapable in the net world. It helps develop new business applications, consistent with current uses of the Web, while leveraging the power and robustness of the IBM i. It consists of a framework, a portal, a program generator for the production of reports and tools development. PHP400 is available for download.
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